Monday, January 16, 2017

REVIEW - Tempt - Remy Blake

TITLE - Tempt
AUTHOR - Remy Blake


They say age is nothing but a number. 

Lucas Rockwell isn’t just ten years younger than me, he’s my deceased husband's son.

Tainted by secrets, everything about us is wrong and forbidden. 

Like fire and gasoline, we're an explosion waiting to happen. 

We're tempting fate with every touch.


“Insta-love, 3 stars”

The first thing I can say about Tempt is the cover is hot!! 
Personally I am over the whole step-sibling stories, so I was intrigued with the idea of step-parent and kid. 

Tempt is hot. The chemistry between Lucas and Charlotte was undeniable. But for me that's basically where it ends. The story felt much too short. Blake could have taken the story further, I was unable to get into the couple so much, so I could never remember Lucas’ name.

If you're looking for a quick and easy read then Tempt would be a good choice. 
If you want something to really dig your teeth into try something else. 

Here is one quote from the story I liked;

“Take chances and believe in what your heart is telling you, even when your brain says the opposite.”

Star Ratings:
Plot- 3/5
Writing style- 3/5
Heat- 3/5
Characters- 2/5
Overall- 3/5

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