Title: Restless Ink
Author: Carrie Ann Ryan
The Montgomery Ink series continues with the so-called sensible sister and the one man she never should have fallen for.
For Thea Montgomery, baking isn’t only therapeutic, it’s also her dream job. She’s worked countless hours keeping her bakery afloat, and now that it’s where she wants it to be, she’s ready to expand and take the next step. When it comes to work and her family, she’s on top of her game. Her personal life, however, is a different story.
When Dimitri Carr isn’t teaching and hiding his ink under long sleeves to keep the bosses happy, he’s trying to be the best brother and friend he can be. After his divorce, he’d thought he would lose Thea from his life forever because she’s his ex-wife’s best friend. But now that he’s free, and the two of them realize they want to keep their friendship. Then he finally sees what he’s been missing all this time.
But there are more problems than the fact that Dimitri is Thea’s best friend’s ex. And when accidental touches and flirtations aren’t enough for either of them, and they’re finally ready to take the next step, they’ll find out exactly what that cost is for crossing that line. And will need to find the strength to face it.
Our Review:
“Friends to lovers with a side of what the…5 stars”
Thea and Dimitri are pure perfection together. It was almost like wow, they should have gotten together sooner! It could have saved them so much trouble had they. Sometimes in life you miss what’s right in front of you the first time and Thea and Dimitri completely prove that.
Dimitri was married to Thea’s best friend, but that marriage burned out. But before his marriage Thea and Dimitri were friends, when his marriage ended he wasn’t really left with anyone but Thea. With that said there has been a strain on their friendship, will they ever get back to where they were, or will they skip right on over friendship?
Thea has always liked Dimitri, she’s the reason he met his ex. But since the divorce she’s been in limbo not wanting to upset him or his ex by being friends with either. Then something out of left field happens with Dimitri. They just keep drifting towards each other. When they finally start to get it together weird things start to happen. Will they make it out on the other side together or apart?
Restless Ink had the perfect about of romance and questioning/suspense. The thing I loved about it though is Dimitri and Thea never really wavered where the other was concerned once they jumped in. The secondary characters were for the most part supportive and just made the couple better. I cannot wait to see what Ryan does with the rest of the Colorado Springs crew.
Writing style-5/5
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