Friday, June 1, 2018

REVIEW - Courgarlicious - Lily Ryan


TITLE -Cougarlicious
AUTHOR - Lily Ryan

When love is forbidden, smiles, sparks and a little nudge turn an average mother into #Cougarliscious- 

Single mom Kim Doherty is heartbroken and destroyed. A shell of her former self. Each day she goes through the motions of taking care of her thirteen year old son Timmy. 

Flirtatious smiles and heated looks coming from Timmy’s twenty-something year old wrestling coach wake Kim’s frozen heart. Smiles turn to innocent touches. Innocent touches lead to mind blowing sex. Before she knows what’s happening, Coach Chance Carter, weaves his way into Kim’s daily life and melts her heart. 

Is it just sex or something more? How many shots at love does one person get? Having lost so much already, Will Kim choose to focus on her son and say goodbye to Chance, or will she become #Cougarliscious? 

A second chance forbidden romance. 

Louise's Review:

Cougarlicious is a second chance romance involving an older woman/younger male scenario. A forbidden relationship filled with heat and a range of emotions that will leave you not knowing which way is up.

Kim has been living in a fog for the past 2 years, focusing solely on her teenage son and how the loss of her husband has left a gaping whole in their lives that in her mind, no one can fill. Chance might be young but he has not gone through his life smooth sailing. Having his own life tipped upside down in his early teens, he knows what he wants in his life and he is not giving it up for anything.

Kim’s struggles of making it through each day, her son doesn’t make it easy on her which leads her to meeting Chance. The internal struggle that Kim endures throughout this book takes you on a rollercoaster ride you don’t want to get off. She is a strong, loving and sexual woman behind the layer of grief. Chance doesn’t miss a beat when going after what he wants and he is not above using Kim’s son to do it (in a very nice way of course). He is dominate and ruthless in his quest to make Kim his.

 ‘“Tell me you don’t want this.” His mouth is next to my ear, his warm breath makes me shiver. ”Tell me you don’t want me to touch you”, he whispers, using that same finger to trace my lips. “That right now, you’re not imagining my mouth on yours”.’

Lily and Chance have that spark from the moment they meet. Their intimate scenes make you hang onto every word on the page hoping that the next chapter holds to same intensity.

Lily takes on a big story line which is generally dominated by the older male/younger female stories, which I think she has done very well without making their moments together something they should be ashamed of. I would love to hear some of Chance’s thoughts through the book, gone deeper into his character giving you a higher understanding of him.

This is my first Lily Ryan book and I have now added a few other titles to my to read list. This book drew me in and I finished it in one sitting. If you are looking for a book that holds more than a whirlwind romance, a story that takes you on a journey through ups and downs, then this is story for you.

Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Heat: 5/5
Writing Style: 5/5
Overall: 5/5

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