Friday, June 1, 2018

REVIEW - Loving Irish - Katy Regnery


TITLE - Loving Irish
SERIES- The Summerhaven Trio
AUTHOR - Katy Regnery


Ian Haven and Halcyon Gilbert haven't seen each other since Hallie's 17th birthday...

...the same day Hallie pledged she would never, ever speak to Ian again as long as she lived.

Hallie Gilbert has had an especially awful year. When her husband of five years left her, Hallie’s 4-year-old daughter, Jenny, essentially stopped speaking. Add to this, Hallie had to sell her Boston apartment to pay her husband’s exorbitant credit card bills. What Hallie needs is an uncomplicated autumn at Colby Cottage, her family’s summer home in Sandwich, NH, where she and Jenny can re-group and figure out what happens next. 

But Colby Cottage, located adjacent to the Summerhaven Camp, has not been well-maintained and Hallie finds it in such disrepair, it's almost unlivable. When nearby camp owner, Rory Haven, arranges for his brother, Ian, to handle renovations for Hallie, her plans for an uncomplicated autumn suddenly get a lot more challenging.

Johnaka's Review:

“Making amends, 5 stars”

Ian has lived a hard life. He’s an alcoholic in recovery but every day presents its own set of challenges. Ian refuses to fall off the wagon and with the little help from his family its possible. But what happens when a ghost from his past reemerges? Will he fall back onto hold habits to cope with the past or will he make amends and try and right his wrongs?
Halcyon (Hallie) hasn’t been back to her family’s cabin in New Hampshire since that dreadful summer. She once found love there then had her heart crushed leaving her to vow never to return. Well never say never because now she’s back. When her husband jumped ship, she was left floundering and has no where else to go. Maybe just maybe she can start over with her daughter here. But what happens when her original heartbreak is there was well?
Ian and Hallie have complicated history and Loving Irish is really a story about shifting through that history and letting go. Truths come to light in this story that really make the story come full circle. They both struggle with the time they lost but they are willing to build on the now.
Hallie is a single mom and Ian and her daughter instantly have a bond and love each other. I thought it was beautiful, but Hallie didn’t so much in the beginning. A secondary character reminded her that kids have the ability to know good from bad when it comes to people and her daughter obviously thought Ian was good.
Loving Irish deals with some deep topics but in the end it’s a redemption story. These two loved each other and genuinely belonged together but were torn apart. This is their second chance and you will have to read Loving Irish to see if they took the chance and jumped.
Writing style-5/5

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