Friday, June 1, 2018

REVIEW - Get You Some - Lani Lynn Vale


TITLE - Get You Some
SERIES: Simple Man #3
AUTHOR - Lani Lynn Vale 


You want some?

She snarls those words at him with barely concealed hostility the moment he arrives at her window to ask for her license and registration.

After a few choice words, he lets her go with not one ticket, but three.

Next time she should check the attitude at the door and realize that he’s a cop, and just doing his job.

Come get some.

Fast forward a week, and he’s still unable to think about anything else but her and her bad attitude—oh, and those sexy lips, angry eyes, and her promise to make his life hell.

Knowing he should stay away, he takes a step back and tries not to think about anything that has to do with those long legs, and that mouth that could be used for much better things than spewing venom.
Then she makes a mistake.

At an interview, she rattles off a random number to use as a reference for a job that she desperately needs, and that number just happens to be Johnny’s. 

She’ll regret being so rude, and one day she’ll think twice when she decides to throw attitude toward a man like him.

Vowing to make her life hell, he decides to have a little fun.

Never get enough.

What he doesn’t expect is to fall for her.

The more Johnny learns about June, the deeper he digs his hole. Soon, he doesn’t know which way is up, and he’s just fine with that.

Over time, he learns that not everyone bothers to dig past her prickly demeanor and get to the woman that lives deeper.

When one too many citizens of Hostel, Texas tries to back her against the wall, he’s had enough.

After all, you don’t mess with what’s his.

Johnaka's Review:

“Johnny and June, 5 stars”

Get You Some is the third book in the Simple Man Series. It can be read as a standalone, but it does have some small appearances by characters from the other two books. All the books in this series hold a little suspense and Get You Some follows through with that. It was a quick and easy read with a sweet story.
Johnny is trying to adjust to civilian life after serving in the military. He never wanted to get out but sometimes life throws things your way that change your plans. He’s in a new town and a new job and trying to adjust. He never expected someone like June to come into his life, but when he sees a good thing he acknowledges it. Even if the town and her don’t see it. Will he get the woman, or will she keep her walls up?
June has been condemned to a life of ridicule due to her parents, even though she has nothing to do with them. But that’s how small towns work. We judge people based on who they are related to. When she meets Johnny, she can’t help but admit she’s attracted but she’s got baggage that wouldn’t even fit in a garbage truck. Will she throw it out to make room for him or will she keep him out and keep piling high?
I liked both characters very much. They both had bridges they had to cross separately before they could be together. They played off each other well and really did bring out the best in one another. It was easy to fall into Get You Some and not come up until the last page. If you have read the first two books you will know that there is a pretty big age gaps between couples but Get You Some doesn’t have that so for some it may be easier to relate to. Now go on and Get You Some.
Writing style-5/5

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