Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Review: Incendiary

Incendiary by Amy A. Bartol

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Absolutly fantastic. Another amazing book in the series and now I have the horrible pain of waiting for the next one to be released. :(
It's hard to say just how great this book is without ruining all the plot twists and turns and never ending excitement. I don't think I've read a book with quite so much excitement.
Loved the new character additions, not sure how I feel about Tau, but I think he's quite scary in a powerful way which definatly has to be the aim there, but I like how Evie takes none of his shit considering his position in the angel food chain. Absentee father still trumps position. Xavier is quite yummy and although it's yet another one to fight for Evie's attention, I do feel quite sorry for him as he's been fighting her corner for a long time and she doesn't remember him. That being said Reed is her true love and it obviously is meant to be. Anya is fantastic and it's about time Russell got to see some love action instead of following Evie around like a lost puppy, but I still think he's trumping all her powers. He's always one step ahead and it really should be her spot light.
I think I'm over my Brennus crush, he's gone beyond sexy bad boy and is now a freaky, stalker with a bit of multiple personality. I'm not feeling him anymore and have had enough of the Gancanagh, they seem to have been used up in the story line and need to come to an end.
Anyway the gang are all on full form and make you feel all mushy when they get together, I felt quite emotional at times hmmm strange.
Amazing book!!!! 5 well deserved stars, can't wait for 5th book!!!!

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